
Thursday 12 October 2017

雙城記 - 太陽能發展的比較

在剛出爐的施政報告當中, 最吸引我眼球的, 除了增加研發資源到每年大概450億元外 (約為1.5%本地生產總值), 就是236小段中政府對加強推廣可再生能源的承諾 -  我們亦會積極於政府場地加強推廣可再生能源及節能綠建,包括於合適場地發展大型可再生能源設施。其中一個創新舉措的例子,就是水務署將依據石壁水塘及船灣淡水湖浮動太陽板發電系統先導計劃的結果,研究本地發展大型浮動太陽能發電場的可行性”. 由於星加坡也在積極推廣浮動太陽板發電系統, 我不期然的對兩個地方在浮動太陽板發電系統, 以至對太陽能發電發展的重視程度作一個比較.


1,290 kWh/m2
1,580 kWh/m2
9,495 MWh (年產生量)
<5MWp (2017 Jan的總安裝量)
129.8 MWp (2017 Q1的總安裝量)
到了2030,為總發電量的1% 1.5% (估計, 非目標)
350 MWp (220MWp在公共屋苑屋頂安裝 , 目標在2020 完成)
200 kWp (石壁水塘和船灣淡水湖各100kWp)
1 MWp (打算繼續發展到 50MWp)


雖然有某些數據的單位不同而不能作出直接比較, 但總括而言還是能看到星加坡在太陽能發電的發展是走的更前的. 另外, 星加坡有著數個專門研究太陽能發電的研究機構和單位 (包括 Solar Energy Research Institute of Singapore), 這是香港所沒有的. 因此, 我很高興看到施政報告有提及加強推廣可再生能源的承諾, 不過還是有著很大的進步空間.

Friday 7 March 2014

Green Building Policy in Asia - China's Green Building Action Plan

China is paying more and more attention to green building development and in their 12th Five-Year Plan (2011-2015) –Green Building Action Plan, the main targets are as follow: 

New buildings –

    1. Targeted to have one billion m2 of new green buildings; By the end of 2015, 20% of buildings in new cities have to be green.

 Energy-saving renovation of existing buildings
    1. complete heat metering and energy-saving renovation in Northern region for > 400 million square meters,
    2. energy-saving renovation to cover 50 million square meters of buildings in hot summer and cold winder regions,
    3. Retrofit the public buildings for 120 million square meters,
    4.  implement 400,000 sets of energy saving demonstration projects in rural areas.
    5.  By the end of 2020, the energy-saving construction of urban residential areas in northern region is basically completed.

For the whole action plan (in Chinese), please visit the following website: